Make Time for Young Carers

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We know young carers can start feeling overwhelmed because of everything they need to do for their caring role on top of all their schoolwork and being a kid.

Often their mental and physical health is affected. That’s why it’s more important than ever to ensure you are registered as a young Carer with us at the surgery, so that we can make sure we are supporting you the best way possible in what matters to you.

Young Carers Action Day

Are you a young carer or do you know a young carer?

Get involved in Young Carers Action Day!

Who are young carers?

Young carers provide regular care to someone in their family or a friend who is ill, disabled or has a mental health problem or an addiction.

#YoungCarersActionDay   #Carer Support Dorset #socialprescribing

Some support options for young carers in Dorset…

Kooth is a free, safe and anonymous site that offers mental health and wellbeing support to young people. Staffed by fully trained and qualified counselling team who are available until 10pm each night, 365 days per year. Kooth feature self help tools on the site including online journaling and mindfulness techniques. There is also a community space on our Kooth magazine and discussion boards where young people can give and receive advice and support from others their age. Kooth has been commissioned by NHS Dorset.

MYTIME Young Carers exists to support young carers age 5-25 across Dorset and the Isle of Wight. Providing young carers with support in schools, give them the opportunity to take a break from their caring role and also support with employability skills. To find out more about what they can offer young carers, or to make a referral to MYTIME for a young carer you are aware of please visit their website.