International Transgender Day of Visibility

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Today is International Transgender Day of Visibility

Celebrating trans and non-binary people and aiming to raise awareness of discrimination faced by trans and non-binary people worldwide.

We are excited to celebrate and share with you a number of ways that you can get involved in TDoV, whether you are trans, non-binary, questioning, gender non-conforming, or an ally!

The Wellbeing Team here at the Blackmore Vale Partnership recognise that trans and non-binary people are often under pressure to be ‘more’ than they are. With that in mind we just wanted to remind you all that we are here to help support you with any difficulties you may be experiencing in this area and are proud of who the trans community are, just as they are!

What is Trans Day of Visibility?

TDOV takes place on March 31st each year to celebrate trans and non-binary people and raise awareness of discrimination faced by trans people worldwide.

We are aware that there is a lot of pressure on trans and non-binary people to conform, change and prove their gender to others. We believe that all trans people, regardless of identity, expression, or orientation, are enough just as they are. Therefore we would like to help empower trans people to celebrate who they are, and encourage allies to voice solidarity with the trans community.

#youareenough #iamenough #transgender #socialprescribing #whatmatterstome