Exercise Self Care for Life

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Self Care Week (14th – 20th November) is a UK-wide annual awareness week that focuses on what we can all do to keep ourselves as healthy as possible. 

This includes living well with a health condition. Visit the Self Care Week website for lots of ideas, inspiration and stories of how people can find the best way to self care.

Here at Blackmore Vale Partnership we are marking Self Care Week by promoting the Five Ways To Wellbeing:

  • Connect – with others
  • Be Active – physically and mentally
  • Keep Learning – new things and about yourself
  • Take Notice – slow down and be present
  • Give – time to others

Our Wellbeing Team are sharing lots of information and ideas that support these Five Ways To Wellbeing – look out for social media posts and the Blackmore Vale Partnership website.

We are also holding two morning drop-in sessions for anyone to call into the Surgery for more information and a chat about Self Care can help you live well.

These are 10am-12pm on:

  • Weds 16th Nov (Abbey View Surgery)
  • Thurs 17th Nov (Sturminster Medical Centre)