Walking for Health

Marnhull Ramblers & Short Walkers

Marnhull Ramblers & Short Walkers organise regular events to help promote good health whilst enjoying the natural beauty right on your door step.

Dogs are welcome BUT must be kept under close control in accordance with the Countryside Code.

If your circumstances have changed (for example moved away from the village) and you are no longer able to join these rambles and walks, we can update the database accordingly. This is used to give advanced notice to regular participants.

Ros Eveleigh keeps Marnhull village website up to date so it can be used for reference at any time.

Non-urgent advice: Our Next Walk

When: Thursday 11 July
Time: Meet at 10.30 for a 11 am prompt departure.
Where: The Two Brewers , 24 James Street, Shaftesbury SP7 8HE – see below for details on ordering food
Parking: Park along St James Street, or in lane by St James Church (via Stour Row) Car sharing is advised
Walk: About 2.5 miles, largely level based on the Shaftesbury Tree Walk. One steep ascent and down Gold Hill!
Leader: John Dowsett
Tel: 01258 821534
Email: [email protected]
Food: Please pre order via Leader – John Dowsett (phone or email) by 6pm on Tuesday 9th July – menu via link
Dogs: A town walk not suitable for dogs

Non-urgent advice: Our Next Ramble

When: Thursday 25 July
Time: Meet at 09.30 – ready to leave at 10am
Where: The Brace of Pheasants, Plush. DT2 7RQ. Grid reference 714022
Parking: The car park is fairly small for a popular pub, so please car share and double park.
Meal: We can order before the ramble on the day – BUT please let the leaders know if you are coming by Wednesday 24th July.
Trail: 6 miles with 2 long ascents and some steep parts up to150m over about 1/3 mile. What goes up must come down – so there is also a LONG descent from West and Plush Hill and through the village of Piddletrenthide.
Dogs: are welcome so long as they are kept under close control. If we come across livestock, they must be on a lead.
Leaders: Rob & Verne Heath.
Email[email protected]
Tel: 01258 821352

NB. If very sunny and hot, for your safety, please make sure you carry plenty of water, wear a hat and use sun screen.


This is a reminder to all who join us for either a Walk or a Ramble, that you do so at your own risk.

The Marnhull Ramblers is an informal group that is not affiliated to any formal organisation nor does it carry insurance.

While the leaders prepare a ’safe’ trail they are not First Aiders, nor responsible for any accident or damage that a may occur while out and about.

So, you are asked to ensure that you are fit enough too complete the distance, cope with the cross-country terrain and the pace of a ramble.

For safety – please carry with you a phone number for a person who can be called in case of an emergency. Thank you .

Protect the environment

  • take your litter home – leave no trace of your visit
  • always keep dogs under control and in sight
  • dog poo – bag it and bin it – any public waste bin will do
  • care for nature – do not cause damage or disturbance