Patient Participation Group (PPG)

All patients registered with the Practice have the opportunity and are encouraged to join the Patient Participation Group (PPG).

The main aim of the Group is to work with the Practice to share information and ideas to improve the communication and co-operation between the Blackmore Vale Partnership and its patients, to assist and foster the highest standards of primary health care.

Following the merger of the Abbey View & Sturminster Newton Practices to form the Blackmore Vale Partnership there are now two branches of the PPG:

  • Shaftesbury & Fontmell Magna (S&FM)
  • Sturminster Newton & Marnhull (SN&M)

Their activities are coordinated through a Steering Group which works closely with the Practice, discussing issues of concern to patients and the Practice, giving guidance and leadership.

What is the PPG aim and objective?

B.  V.  P.  P.  P.  G.

Bring people together
Voice your opinion
Provide information
Participate in surveys
Promote solutions
Generate interest through publicity

The aim of the PPG is to represent the views and interests of the patients within the local community.

This is achieved by:

  • Providing a medium for patients to give feedback and comments about the Practice to the PPG.
  • Discuss with the Practice issues and suggestions raised by patients.
  • Encourage patients to take more responsibility for their health.
  • Organise events and talks of interest.

How does the PPG achieve this

Surveys are one method of achieving information to determine the views of patients. These can be carried out either online or in person at the surgery or other venue.

Results of surveys together with recommendations will be shared with the PPG membership and the Practice.

Another method is to hold events and meetings on specific health related topics.

Ways of Taking Part

 Once you register with the Practice PPG, it’s your choice as to the extent of your involvement.

You can:

  • simply receive information and Newsletters.
  • complete surveys by email or at the surgery.
  • attend the PPG meetings which are generally held quarterly at the Shaftesbury & Sturminster Newton Medical Centres.

The PPG is not a forum to discuss individual complaints against the Practice or its staff.  These must be discussed/resolved using the Practice Complaints Procedure.

PPG meetings are open to all patients.

Our patient participation group represents our patients and works closely with the practice team as our ‘critical friend’ to help us continue to deliver a quality primary care service. 

If you are happy for us to contact you occasionally by email please complete the sign-up form and complete all the fields.

We will be in touch shortly after we receive your form. Please note that no medical information or questions will be responded to.

Patient Group Meeting Minutes, Reports and Surveys

For the latest meeting minutes please contact us.